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If you love Jesus, you care for those He died in such awful agony to save! You can't stand the idea that your loved ones might
miss heaven and spend eternity in hell. Or anyone else for that matter... But you haven't known what to do about it.
Here's your answer! We can place in your hands a marvelous new tool to lead them to Christ. It's the book, The Great
A Christianity That Really Works
By: Pastor Ron Marr
A Christianity That Really Works
A practical Christian living book by Pastor Marr
Domestic Donation Amount (USA and Canada) - Click below
International Donation Amount (outside the USA and Canada) - Click below
Do you long to reach God's heart but rarely seem to get as close to Him as you would like? There is a way to succeed in the
Christian life! Ron Marr offers hope and encouragement to every believer who is looking for continuous personal revival in
his or her life. This book is practical and applicable to life right now.
Spiritual Dynamite
By: Pastor Ron Marr
Spiritual Dynamite
A book about spiritual living by Pastor Marr
Domestic Donation Amount (USA and Canada) - Click below
International Donation Amount (outside the USA and Canada) - Click below
It may seem impossible to rest contentedly in God in the midst of physical or emotional pain, time pressures, the follies
and foibles of people, our own foolishness and sin, religious persecution, or lack of enough money to pay the bills. But when
we turn in simple worship to the God who is ENOUGH - like Paul, we can be content, for he said, "I have learned in whatever
state I am, to be content." (Phil. 4:11)
Just to be willing, by God’s enabling, to worship the Lord and rest in Him whatever the circumstances He is permitting
at the moment - that's spiritual dynamite!
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ChristLife Google Group
One of the ministries of ChristLife, Inc. is our Google discussion group. This group is all about
our Life in Christ, Jesus and the Bible. This group is a place to make prayer requests. It is a place
to ask questions about the Bible or share some of your insights from the Word of God. It is also a place to discuss
our Life in Jesus Christ. Please feel free to join our group using the form below.
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your life.
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ChristLife, Inc. - PO Box 1033 - Niagara Falls, NY 14304